Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Diwali week

Today is the last day of Diwali. It has been lots of fire crackers since Monday; as the sun begins setting, the streets become like a war zone, smoke and the noise of blasting fire crackers… Monday was off due to Diwali and yesterday was new moon holiday. But on Monday, one of our friends, Colette, who lives in Alexandra Medina’s house invited us for practice in the studio which is upstairs of their house. Quite a number of people showed up, it was like a regular practice, all the sweat and everything… I did my whole practice for the first time since I got to Mysore, it felt good…
Today, practice was good. I was just in front of the stage. I am getting stronger... I can feel it. Also, Mauricio, who was away for some weeks, came back and said “you look stronger” ; therefore, something is happening… This morning, as I was doing Krounchasana , Sharath was helping the person next to me and then he looked over to me and said “chin up, point the toes, and look at your toes!”
Tonight Dagmar is leaving for Mangalore. I will miss her a lot! But me talking her head off she decided to spend her last week in Goa, practicing with Rolf! She will stay with me; since the house will be empty until others show up, there will be a room for her!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Out of Lassi

Yesterday afternoon, while we were in our last Sanskrit Level I class, rain began pouring. Then it sounded like slowing down, but as we got out of the class, it was going on really hard. After staring in the rain for few minutes, we decided to jump in. Even though I live on the same street with the shala, I was pretty much soaked when I got home. The street was like a river…
This morning, led class was fine, but I feel heavy when practice is so early. I need to get used to that. After practice, went home did some laundry, changed my bed sheets and then put an Osho discourse, laid down to listen him talking about ‘trust’ and dozed a bit during. Then got up to go to Santosha for breakfast. After breakfast, Dagmar and I went to Lakshmipuram to get her scooter. We also sopped by at Three Sisters to have their famous lassis but they were out of lassi, too many people came before us ☹ so have to try again!
Tomorrow we will go to Metropal for lunch buffet! Plans are all around food here! We are very fortunate to be here and enjoy it all…
This monday the shala is closed due to Diwali festival and then Tuesday is moon day... But it seems like few of us are getting together to do home practice, if not I have enough space in my room... Ahh, 3 weeks left for me to leave Mysore for Goa, I kind of feel sad... and wish for one more week here, then it will be exactly 2 months in Mysore... but I signed up for the workshop on the 16th of November with Rolf and Marci at Brahmani and also Marci is expecting me to begin practice with them on the 17th of November... so have to get going when it is time...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fruits of letting go...

Days are going by really fast. Yesterday, Dagmar and I went to Lakshmipuram after watching the French News, which filmed us during led primary class few weeks back. It was quite difficult to find this film in the internet but we managed!!! Then, I had a quick lunch at Anu’s and then we went to Lakshmipuram. First to Nilgri’s to buy flax seeds and then to West Side. Flax seeds are for me, the nutritional analysis results show that I need Omega 3 more (also Omega 6) and flax seeds are a good source of it. I just grounded them up in Gita’s blender and I will put it over my food as I remember to do… At West side, Dagmar got a really nice top; I did buy nothing. Finding what to buy part was pretty easy and fun but paying part took long because the guy who was at the cashier could not figure out something. He managed to charge the card, so what was the problem, we could not understand. After 3 men looking on the screen and one of them typing stuff over and over, this little girl came down from upstairs and she hit few buttons and it was all sorted out, here goes women power! Then, we tried to find our way back home, getting a bit lost but managed it at the end. When we got back, my head was buzzing from driving on the scooter in the afternoon traffic… After stopping at home, I went to pick up the pants and the dress my tailor made for me both of which do not fit me, but I did not fuss about it. So, I gave the dress to Claudio because it fits her much better and the pants, I do not want to think about them… Sudha will be making me two pants, and I know they will fit nicely and if they don’t, she does not want me to buy them…
After going home for a shower, I went to Kumar for the afternoon meditation. This week the meditation starts at 6:30P.M. because we are doing the Osho Gourishankar Meditation and it is better to do it after the sun set. Then I went home, watched one episode of Lost, read some from my Health and Healing book, which is about Krishnamacharya.
This morning I woke up with nausea… I just did some of my nauli exercises and then laid down for a while… Then, went off to practice, wishing to make it through all right and focusing, focusing and focusing no more thoughts…. I did focus and made it through the practice. At the end, Sharat came to help with ankle grabbing. He asked me “what did you do last?”, I said “Krounchasana”, he said “ohh… Then tomorrow Salabasana” (Salabasana A, Salabasana B) he stopped and then added “ Bhekasana ). Tomorrow, both Salabasana and Bhekasana”. Yeah that got me smiling a big smile! Just as I stopped whining about not getting more asanas and if he was aware of my presence and all that yes then things start moving forward… Therefore, yes, need to stop whining, need to focus more, need to work on jump backs and troughs… I am actually working on jump backs harder; I am now picking up as usually but different from before I am not putting hands forward after picking up but not moving my hands from where they are and taking legs back in a I guess funny way and working towards something more like proper jump backs…
Well this is all for now. And it began raining again, a big one for mid day… I am at Anu’s now and my laundry back at home is having a nice rain bath ☺

Sunday, October 19, 2008


This Saturday was a shopping day again. After breakfast at Tina’s, Claudia and I went to city for shopping for cotton sari and bed spreads and I was also hoping to pick up the ear studs I ordered at Suddharsans. First we looked for cotton saris but for some reason all the shops say the nice Indian prints do not exist in cotton saris… So after seeing few shops, we ended up at Rashinkars again, I told them that the “cotton” sari I got from them was not pure cotton and after washing it was still hard and asked if they have saris in pure cotton… After looking at some stuff they got, which were beautiful but not what I was looking for, the nice Indian motifs… Still, I really liked few of the saris, but then when they took us upstairs to show ready made tops and so forth, they showed all these nice materials to make shalwer kamez, and they were kind of fabrics that I was trying to find!!! After maybe 5 visits to Rashinkars, at the end they showed me what I was looking for! So, for your info, Rashinkar has some nice fabrics, that comes in a set of three, one to make a top, the other to make pants and then the shawl; they all match but in different colors and designs…. Still we decided to have a look at Fab India because so far whatever my tailor makes for me do not fit me!!! He is very nice but I feel like I am wasting fabric and money on things I cannot wear… Before going to Fab India, we went to Devaraj road and Claudia looked for jeans for her stay in Europe after India, since they are cheaper here. Also, we found a shop, which had the comforters Claudia was looking for… I also sopped by at the Suddharsans to see if they made my ear studs and yes they did!!! So, I got them and am wearing them now! After all this, we took a rickshaw to Fab India, which is in Lakshmipuram. They really have some fabulous stuff, very nice kurtas, tops, skirts, shawls form very good quality cottons with nice colors and designs. After all, I ended up buying one kurta and one top form Fab India… I also bumped into Martha and her husband again. Martha was in Level I of Tias’s Teacher Training in Santa Fe. I first saw them in front of Loyal World last week and yesterday again… Her husband was excited about talking with us about the practice. He asked me if I progress in my practice by practicing in the shala and when I said yes he was very surprised! Well, I explained him that practicing solo versus practicing with all these people makes a huge difference; it triples my energy level and lifts me up. HE asked whether I achieved anything new, and I said “actually yes, but not what I had in my mind…” but I refused to tell him what it was… I just did not feel like bragging about such stuff… Then he asked if I were teaching yoga in Istanbul, and what kind whether Vinyasa flow or ashtanga… I told him I teach ashtanga and I do not enjoy Vinyasa flow much. He said “strict ashtanga, primary series”, and then he added “that might change in few years” Here came a trigger to me ☺… My answer was, “and it might not, Rolf has been doing it for 30 years and he seems to love it still… and I love it very much” After, Claudia and I went out, of course I was mumbling stuff like “ why people need to comment on such stuff when they now nothing about me…” and Claudia told me “ you know, in such cases I just nod, I am not even listening sometimes, it come from one ear and goes out from the other… not important, you get really frustrated over other people’s comments!” She was so right and I have to learn how to led things come form one ear and go from the other before Claudia and I part ways!
Practice this morning was tough. I felt very tired at 4:30 AM in the morning. Then, close to the end of the practice, after Upavishta Konasana , I forgot Supta Konasana, so there I was preparing for Supta Padangusthasana, and of course I got caught and Sharath yelled at me “which one???”… I thought “here goes my hope for getting Shalabasana tomorrow! Ohh well, it is all okey but I wonder why I keep forgetting asanas here. Maybe it is just because it was still early for me to practice at 4:30 this morning or I have to focus better.
This Tuesday, my first month will finish here, time is flying by…

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week of Anatomy class and practice

It is already end of the week. It has been a cloudy, rainy week which is good I think, not so hot. Tomorrow is led class; I am in the 4:45A.M. batch now according to the schedule Sharath put on the board! Ashtanga while sleeping… You know right 4:45 AM shala time means 4:30 real time and to get in, we begin cuing up at 4:15 shala time!
Agnieszka’s left on Monday night ☹. Tuesday was moon day, it was anatomy class and then I went S.N. Jois for a Vedic astrology reading. What I can tell is that he was spooky rite about some things and very off with other things and then he had some predictions and I will see what happens regarding them in the future… Wednesday practice was okay and this time, Sharath let his hands go after he helped me grab my calves in backbends… yes I could stay there without him holding!! I did not think I could do that so soon! After practice, Sharath was taking people to puja in this new temple… but I did not go, I chose breakfast over puja! Is that bad, I don’t know… Then it was anatomy class with Ken again, we studied the pelvic floor… And if I got anything from yesterday's class, it is that the two things that make yoga difficult for us are sitting in chairs and carrying weight on our shoulders; we, humans are actually, anatomically suppose to sit on the floor and carry weight on our heads like Indian women... then late lunch at Tina’s new café; it was very good food and very cheap too! Then Sanskrit class in the afternoon. I told Lakshmish that I will not stay for chanting class anymore, and he just shook his head… I enjoy Sanskrit level I now, it is like puzzle, but I really get bored chanting straight ahead without talking about the meaning of what we chant…
Today practice was good. Then, Santosha for breakfast and then last day of Anatomy class. It was very interesting class today. Ken talked about Mula bandha and Uddiyana bandha anatomically and also about soas muscle. Afterwards, we had lunch at Cenakis (I donnu how to spell it out really), it was good food. Now time to chill a bit until tomorrow morning.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend to today

Saturday was a full day shopping! First we had breakfast at OM café and of course everybody else decided to have breakfast there as well, so I was sitting between Melanie and Agnieszka’s chair for quite a while but then we managed to grab a chair, which got emptied… Now they have a mini market on Saturday’s at OM café, Dominic, the French lady had beautiful shawls and sandalwood necklaces/bracelets, I could not buy anything since I had no $ with me but next Saturday I will get something from her! Then right after breakfast we, Agni, Claudia, Jonathan and Jessica went to the city. Our first stop was Sapna bookstore from where I got a tiny Osho book just to keep my heart beating, then we walked to Ashoka bookstore, form there we went to the Bata store at the corner. I was hoping to find those cute plastic shoes and did, Claudia and me got pink plastic shoes! Afterwards we went to Rashinkars. I got a cotton sari with beautiful pattern and others also got saris, lungue (how do you spell that?) and books. Then we had to run for food. I do not remember the name of the place but it looked like a sweet shop from the entrance but upstairs they had full on restaurant! It was on the main road. Of course, it took us a while until I had to mobilize everybody to get active in table grabbing ☺, we lost few tables while waiting politely at a corner... But the food was good; most of us had the Southern special thali. After the food, we also went to Devaraj road. We walked up the road, Agnieszka looked in every Bata store to find her size in those pink plastic shoes but no luck… We went into a store to try Shalwer Kamez… I tried many of them but did not really warmed up to any of them; I was also hoping that Lokesh could make me something with the cotton sari I go. After all, we crashed at the Coffee day at the top of Devaraj road…
Yesterday’s led class was fine. I felt a bit stiffer in my knees. I blamed it to the Indian food; too much garlic… I do not know if it is really relevant. After the led class, we went to Bird sanctuary, which is a bit outside of Mysore. It was really beautiful. We took a boat ride in the river. It began raining in the middle of it but it was not pouring so that was fine. We also saw some alligators in the river other than birds… After the boat ride, we walked a bit, but the walk path is really short so we were done pretty quickly. Then we got back to Mysore, stopped at the Green Leaf to eat more Indian food…
There was also conference yesterday. Sharath talked about Ashtanga Yoga having the whole package with drishti, breathe, bandhas and asanas… when we do all these then we are doing meditation, pranayama and asana… I asked about whether putting contact lenses during practice or not and he said do whatever you want… So I will keep on wearing them. If he told us that not wearing them is better for the eyes or something then I would try without but if it does not matter I do not want to give away from my balance…
Today was fine. Practice was good. This time no new asana… Sharath began standing in front of me as I began my back bends until I finished my backdrops so he could help with the grabbing the ankles…
For breakfast, I went to Vivien’s with Agni. Today is Agnieszka's last day; she is leaving tonight ☹
Today was also the first day of Ken’s4-day Anatomy class. This first class was very good; Ken knows what he is talking about and he is very articulate…
Tomorrow is a full moon so no practice… I am thinking of seeing Dr. Kumar in the city for a consultation. I feel that my digestion is sluggish; maybe he can help in some way…
By the way, the sari I got turn out to be mixed with synthetic so after washing it did not softened up, so Lokesh does not want to make any clothing with it, instead he will make curtains for my new home. That also works out for me.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lake trip after led class

Therefore, I moved to a room at chocolate lady, Gita’s house. I stayed at her house the first time I was here and I know it is clean and quiet. I am staying in the same room I stayed before, the upstairs room and Agni is staying in the downstairs room but she will leave on Monday ☹ I am comfortable now… since I am not staying so long, only until November 14th, I did not bother to look around much.
This morning, before the led class, Sharath told us that people who come to self practice until 6:15 (so that includes me) should come to 4:45 led class on Friday and on Sundays there will be a second led primary series class and also there will be a second led primary series on Sundays and up to 6:15 students has to come to the first batch… Then he left and the Saraswati led us through the led class. I was feeling tired so I was no full power…
After class and doing some laundry at home, I went to breakfast at Vivien’s. I really like her coffee and the fruit salad was the best one I had so far because it had chikoo! Then I, Agni, Dagmar and Claudia went to Karanchi Lake. First we took one those paddle boats to go around in the lake, it was fun. Indian boys who also rented boats were targeting us and driving toward us but we avoided any crash. The nature was beautiful by the lake. After the boat, we took a walk around it and many photos!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sleeping with a cockroach

Okay, I did not sleep with it the whole night but here how it went...
Last night I went to bed around 8 o’clock and was oozing nicely… Around 10-10:30 PM, the family began getting more lively, so I also began waking up and tossing around and then I suddenly opened my eyes and saw a big dark think across from my face, right there! I jumped and the black thing ran under the pillows. I turned on the lights and picked up the first pillow and then the second and yes it was right there stuck to the second one, the big cockroach! Yeyyyy, I shook it off and it dropped to the floor and flipped and began running… I looked around and round and could not find it… After trying to shake off my trauma and putting around lines with the chalk thing and spraying neem oil all around, I turned off the lights and try to sleep but then I began hearing 'cirk kirk' sounds and obviously this time it was the cockroach which was tossing around. Therefore, I turned on the lights, spotted the bug and tried to drive it away from my room but it kept going the other way. Finally, with the broom I managed to take it out side. After all this, I thought I can rest maybe but then the family decided to wash their bike at 11:30 PM. They wash things behind their kitchen which is in front of my house. So, it was the kid talking loudly and the dad talking loudly and the wife talking loudly and the water… I opened the door to reguest if they could bring it down a bit but as soon as I opened the door the cockroach, which I threw out, flew on me, it was hiking on my door… I guess it really wanted to be with me last night. I began hoping that time would fly by so fast that it would be time to go to practice.
I think I am giving up this cockroach fight… too bad when I was just so proud about how I dealt with them. I also wonder what this is all about… I am watching LOST the TV series and the episode I watched yesterday was about the relation between animals that come into our lives and the people who passed from our lives; it was the boar that was after Sawyer… and it came to the fact that Sawyer killed a man thinking that he was the one caused his family to disaster… Then, what about the cockroaches and me?
Practice was okey this morning. Sickness and not enough sleep is not helping but I manage. I sweated tons again…

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Last few days...

A bit of sickness is what I have got, but before coming to that I have much more to tell….
On Saturday, restless me had to go to Mysore palace for a visit… the down side of going last weekend was Dasara, the state festival which is going on now, so there were much more visitors than usual… As a tourist, I paid 100 rupees, whereas Indians pay only 20 rupees… I got a bit stressed because they took my camera, first I kind of wanted to resist but then I given in, they put it in a locker and charged me 5 rupees. The garden and the outside of the palace were beautiful. As I proceeded towards the inside, I realized they wanted shoes off and there were so many shoes!!! How the hell I would find my shoes when I get back!??? So I just took them in my hand, did not put them in one of those buckets filled up with shoes. As I went in, I realized that 90 percent of the visitors were young Indian men, hand in hand in pairs, or three, four of them holding on to one another’s wastes and no matter what, refusing to let go of one another… Inside the palace was not so impressive for me, I kind of rushed it to tell the truth. I guess I was also overwhelmed with the male population all around me… It is a bit similar in Turkey, I mean the male population is much more then female in the streets but not nearly as much as it is here. Anyways, I at last saw the palace, but in my opinion, the outside of the palace is much prettier and worth seeing than the inside… and I guess when it is lit up in the evening, it is very pretty.

Sunday led class was fine. I manage to get a spot inside the shala but there were people who were practicing in the changing rooms… The shala is getting crowded each day… Sunday we also had the conference, this was my first conference with Sharath talking. Guruji also came and he sat in his chair. In the beginning, Sharath and Guruji talked amongst themselves and then Sharath talked about having faith in the practice and keep on trying, being brave to try and also being content about where we are at. He also let people ask questions. Someone asked about how long the finishing postures should be held and he said that they are very important asanas because they prevent aging and we should hold them as long as we can. The person who asked this question also asked should we hold Sirsasana for an hour or two hours and he said “if you can, yes”, and he also said we should slowly build up the time we hold these postures. When the question and answer part was finished, Nancy and few other students who were involved in the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Charitable Trust made a presentation. First, there was a little movie made by one of the volunteers about the Chetana Trust and then three of the volunteer students talked about their experiences. It is very nice that the Trust Is organizing students to do volunteer work around Mysore, since most students come to Mysore over and over, after a while, there is not much left to see and to do around, so this gives a good opportunity to be involved and make a difference in people’s lives who need help. After the presentation, Sharath also showed us the photos of panthers he took in a safari he went to in Tanzania and also in India… They were really good photos! He has an artist side I guess. Before we left the shala, there were forms for people who wanted to do volunteer work for the trust, so I filled up one of them… I donnu if I can be any use…

On Monday, practice was good, but the night before, the sleep was difficult because I have got a sore throat and my landlord’s family who lives in the house which is in front of mine is a bit too loud until late at night. During practice, I sweated quite a bit. While I was doing Pasasana Sharath shouted to my dierection, Krounchasana, so I got the next asana… Hopefully, until it is time to leave for me, I will get to the point in my practice where I was stuck while studying with Rolf. As the day moved on, I start feeling sicker but I was also running around like a mad women; no resting when obviously that was what I needed. I went to Three sisters after practice with Agni and Claudia. Three sisters are quite fun, we sat there for an hour, had ginger+carrot juice. Then I headed home. For lunch, I met with bunch of us at six main, this was for Crystal who left yesterday afternoon. After lunch, we also went to Barista… I was feeling already tired and sicker, but had to go to Sansktrit and Chanting class after all this… Chanting was a bit too much with runny nose and sore throat… Came home hoping for a relaxing a bit and a good night sleep but the congested nose and the noise from outside made sleep difficult.

This morning, in spite of all, practice was not bad but opps I realized afterwards that I skipped Navasana… well, should not beat myself too much for that, I can have a break for the sake of sickness, no? The thing is, Sharath told me “tomorrow you come at 6:15” as I entered the shala so this means waking up earlier and this means I really need to find a solution for my sleep, like a way to fall a sleep earlier instead of tossing around in my bed for hours until my landlord’s family decides to sleep in mid night.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Led class under cameras!

This morning, led class was under cameras. Apparently, some French people are making a documentary. I really do not know the details… When I know more, I will tell more! Other than that, it felt like Sharath was more merciful this morning with his counting or I am getting used to his count. I actually really enjoy his slow count, it reminds me to not hurry, especially with vinyasas and so chaturangas benefit…

Today I had my third and for the moment, last rolfing session. When Ken asked me how the practice feels with these sessions, I told him that the strange unstable feeling in my pelvis during Utthita trikoansana has been gone for the last few days. Yes, for few months, especially with the right side of Utthita Trikonasana, I was feeling unstable with my hips, pelvis, feeling that my hips were not in a good position… kind of hard to explain. But since I got here and began the rolfing, this feeling has gone! I was really struggling with this because I thought I was doing something wrong, not aligned correctly, etc… so I almost listed Utthita Trikonasana as the most challenging… However, I guess it was not my doing or undoing but the way my pelvis was positioned in my body… I hope it stays with its new way…

What else, himm I am extra hungry today. Maybe because I feel like I can eat anything with no practice tomorrow ☺

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Busy Mysore days!

Life is so busy here in Mysore I cannot understand. In Istanbul, I was a bit bored, but to tell the truth, this was mostly due to myself, I did not really want to do much… Here, there is so much to do and even if I am only at home, I have all these new books that I have gotten each of which looks really delicious!

Yesterday the practice was good. Saraswati helped with the last back bend and this time she pulled my hands pretty up, I think I was holding my knees or something… After practice, I ran back home to have a shower and a quick breakfast because I was going to Dr. Kuttapa’s (my dentis here) to go to his clinic together in the city. See, last week, after couple of days I have been here, crown of one of the root canals I have broke. First, I though I broke a tooth but very luckily it was only a crown, otherwise I would panic because it was a big chunk… So, while I was trying to figure out what to do, I learned that Gita’s (the chocolate lady whose home I stayed for a week my first time) husband was actually a good dentist (I knew he was a doctor but did not know he was a dentist!) Therefore, I knocked on their door, and the next day Dr. Kuttapa took me to his clinic, got the measure of my teeth and this week, the crown was ready. He replaced my crown yesterday and I was relieved… I came back to Gokulam and at 2 o’clock I went to Kumar for my massage appointment with him. Ohh, it was great, my body softened up nicely and also my mind calmed down and I got a big smile after the session. Then, I ran home, had a quick bite and ran back to the shala to attend the Level I Sanskrit and Chanting classes which begun yesterday. It is the same person who was giving the yoga sutras class two years back. The class was nice. I am happy to be taking both classes, we will also go over asana names, their correct pronunciations… and chanting is very meditative…

This morning as I arrived to the shala I was expecting to find many other students waiting in the waiting area but there was none and so as soon as I came by the door, I heard Saraswati shout “one more” and I hopped in. This time, I was right next to women’s dressing room door but this spot was much spacious than the spot right next men’s dressing room. Practice was nice. I think Sharath might tell me to come to the practice even earlier next week… New people are coming, some of old students are leaving, so practice time keeps moving to earlier as always…

After practice, I got home, did laundry and passed some time until it was time to meet Melanie for breakfast. I took her to Santosha’s. I really like that place. I had eggs this morning with multi grain bread. The bread is really good at Santosha’s; also, their other baked stuff looks delicious as well, the tempting cookies and sweet breads… I still haven’t given in to cookies and such but I suspect that soon enough, I will. Afterwards, I went to Rama Krishna Ashram to get the Srimad Bhagavad Gita which our teacher told us to get for our Sanskrit class. Then, I went into the city to see the jewelry place Isa told me. I ordered the same studs she has for my extra holes on my left ear. I was temped for another pair of beautiful earrings but the gold has gotten so expensive that very quickly I decided to not make anymore purchases. After I got out of the shop, I walked down Deveraj Road and then to the city bazaar, but wandered rather shortly in the bazaar due to the big crowd and got back home. I still have to figure out where to get good incense, that will be for another trip to the city, or it will be an excuse to make another trip to the city :) … After resting at home a little, I went to Krishna tailor. Lokesh made me fisherman pants with the fabric I gave him but they did not look good as fisherman pants, so I asked him to change it to regular pants. He was not so happy about this request, he said it will be difficult to convert but at the end, I convinced him! He already made the patchwork bags I ordered. They are not same as the one I got two years ago, but I guess the one I got at the time was a remainder of Krishna’s work after he passed out… The patchworks on that bag was smaller and the fabric was a bit different… I guess Lokesh is not so patient to make such small patchwork and I am fine with it, I am not going to complain….

Tomorrow is already Friday, the led class! Ohh forget to tell, I decided to spend one more week in Mysore; therefore, I will be practicing in the shala for almost two months and then will head to Goa for R&M!