Saturday, September 02, 2006

Released the Creature!

I was in the library around 10:30 am and did not leave until 4:30pm. I read, reread on paper, on the screen, edited, added, and changed stuff. I shoveled my homemade poor salad in front of the computer without getting caught to guards in between reading and writing... I did not ventured into cyberspace as I usually do, remained focused until I felt like I was going to puke from working on this dissertation thing. At last, I said let me print it and walk away. So, I printed 3 copies as required by the department. It is 33 pages including abstract and references, 1.5 space. Yes, finally I released the creature. I felt very drained after I stepped out of the library and began walking. As if I gave something out of myself… hopefully nothing I will need again.


Anonymous said...

It's over....
enjoy life my dear

Ahu said...

hey thanks, I am enjoying!