Monday, September 18, 2006

Last day in London

Last day in London. I thought I was going to spoil myself today. Going to Covent Garden, having vegan ice ream at Neal’s Yard and coffee from Monmouth Coffee shop… Instead, it turned out to be hectic after practice. I kept running between the bank and this place from which I was suppose to receive a refund. First, I closed my bank account, not realizing that the refund did not come through yet, hen it had to be not closed so I could get my refund back when it comes through… This person and I could not figure out what would be the cheapest way to get my money and then close my account when I am in Turkey, both wire transfers and checks costs $. But then I figured out on my way back that it is the ATM! So, I had to run back because they took my card away in the bank. At the time when I arrived they have already destroyed it. But they reordered it since my account is not closed. In the beginning, I was getting frustrated but then I realized that this might be a sign from the universe! Maybe this account is not meant to be closed (yeah kind of so I can get my refund…) maybe I will be back in London, or maybe it has nothing to do with anything. But it made me feel less anxious, so this is what counts.
Ohh, I enjoyed London a lot. It was both very difficult and very enjoyable, refreshing. School and certain individuals wore me down but then a new world opened up for me with ashtanga, so I survived all that rubbish. Summer is ending or is already over. It is getting dark before 8 pm and it is still dark when I am walking to Yoga Place in the morning. Change is inevitable so I am off tomorrow afternoon. I will do my last practice (for now) with my yoga friends and the new teacher tomorrow morning… I wish C were here so I could hug her goodbye tomorrow. But we already hugged, and it was not a hug goodbye because we will get together again, I know…


Anonymous said...

Best wishes Ahu. I am sorry I will not be there in the morning to say goodbye, but the demands of my course are a bit too much for me right now (excuses). I look forward to reading your Mysore musings.


Ahu said...

Thank you Michele! I hope to see you again and good luck with your course. I feel like I will see everyone again... but first Mysore!