Thursday, August 17, 2006

Dreams and subconscious

Saw Bob Dylan in my dream, so splurged on some Bob Dylan music immediately since I am suppose to pay attention to my dreams. Anyways, it is always a treat to have more of his music and guess what, his next new album, Modern Times , comes out on my birthday! So I pre-ordered that as well, thanks Dylan for the birthday gift!
On the other hand, subconscious coming to surface. My left thigh pinches, hurts, not getting better, makes me wanna cry… I feel more sensitive than usual (as if I weren’t enough) and easily irritated. All the planets are cramped in the twelfth house of my chart, that might be the reason as Penny says.
Then I am caught writing blogs... A friend from yoga found out that I am writing.


Tiff said...

ahhh my writing changed once I knew I was writing for an audience that knows me personally...

Clare said...

This is why, at the moment I haven't put myself on - I am not sure if I am ready to be found... maybe I need to read the blog carefully first.

Glad to hear the adjusting is going well - I am finding it really interesting teaching and adjusting but it's funny how you can't always tell how adjusting works - even if its been done on you , you don't remember quite how they did it..... does that make sense??!!