Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Does yoga make you a super human being???

We had our second picnic last night… It seemed like a failure in the beginning but then it got better with more people showing up. This time there were some disappointing comments from few about yoga and I could not stop thinking about these. I also had a conversation with one of my yogi fellows who kind of questioned my devotion to yoga and asked me whether I was overemphasizing the change yoga brought into my life. Also, he could not understand how I perceived yoga as not only physical but also spiritual development… Well, to begin with my one to one conversation with my friend, I think I have valid reasons to believe that yoga helped me in my life. I just remembered this morning how skeptical, even to the point “ohh yeah right, good catch”, when during ashtanga workshop for beginners, my first Mysore style teacher, Tony, told us that more you practice yoga, more clarity you will have and that it will become easier to make decisions about things which can be troubling… Then, I just started coming to practice with the only desire of moving and stretching, but at some point I began talking about life in terms of yoga and that is when I realized yoga was becoming more than my daily exercise regimen. It just helped me to be not so disappointed with life’s set backs because they are all transitory just as a sluggish practice I might have one morning or one week and there are deteriorations sometimes just to have a break through afterwards to move forward… Also, as someone with previous body image issues, I just started appreciating the fact these legs and arms of mine could do all these asanas rather than focusing on how big my ties are or how much cellulite I got on them and how horrible that was (yes that vain) and I realized this before the many positive changes which were about to happen in my body and which I did not know about. This is some of what I feel and think about my practice and also I respect everyone’s own special reason for coming to yoga and do not imagine questioning it. However, there were some people last night who suddenly began making fun of taking practice seriously, and comments such as “ Yoga does not make you super human!” began going around. I just could not understand why was this sudden implicit attack on some of us who were obviously taking it a bit more as a life style than them. Yes, we (those of us who take it “too seriously”) sat quietly with signs of little discomfort on our faces and hellooo, we know that yoga will not transforms us into super humans!!! Those ones who were mocking us were the ones with half of the discipline we had and who regarded the practice tortures some of the times. However, I do not question how they perceive practice or their lack of discipline because I really don’t give a damn about it much! For me, as long as you do some yoga, it is great because you do a favor to your body in terms of health at least, if it does not mean much more… And this is my personal practice, and even though I believe that benefits of my practice extend to the people around me in my personal life, it is not someone else’s concern to criticize. Ashtanga works for me, whether I believe it works or it really works does not matter. I don’t think I am doing yoga for the wrong reasons.
Uhh, this week was suppose to be about tuning into signs around instead of reflecting on them in my Wish process but I had to reflect when I have to validate my perspective… I don’t know if I am taking all this too seriously…


Clare said...

Yes, yoga is super human - and that is a favourite expression of my teacher!

In my experience you will alwyas come across people who doubt what yoga brings to them and to you.

At the end of the day, the practice is your own and you get out of it what you want. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I reallised this on retreat at Christmas where some people spent most of their time criticising yoga and their teachers! It is another superhuman skill to be able to ignore what the cynics say!

Happy practicing!


Ahu said...

thanks Cx...
Yes you are right, it is another skill to ignore what others say... the last time i was home, i was upset about a disagreement I had with my dad and my mom told me "not everyone will agree with you all the time in what you believe or like, you should get use to it..." it is time to grow up... and one more time through yoga, at least it is initiating it.

Andrea said...

Yoga is a different experience for each person. How one feels about his/her practice shouldn't affect how you feel about yours.

Don't take it personally. Just keep doing your practice and following your heart. That's all that matters.
