Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Massage!?!

This week was overall just another week, no major happenings… However, one interesting things was the massage I got from this old lady… Well, it was not your usual hands on massage, she had this vibrating machine that she used… for a while, I thought “this is lazy massage, instead of using her hands she is using this machine on me…” and when she used her hands or the elbow, she would just dig in, as if she wanted to make me hurt or find parts that hurt… and when it hurt she said “because it is unhealthy”. For her, I am a total mess, me being a non-smoker, non-drinker, vegetarian and 6 days a week yoga practitioner and yes I am a mess. My vegetarianism was a big problem for her. After so many stuff she said against it, I had to tell her to quit trying because I am not eating dead animals… She was right about some stuff such as me having low blood pressure and not a great circulation… She said it is all because my lymphatic system is dried up (because I am vegetarian…) and she would occasionally say “so you do yoga but what good it is when you are in such bad condition.” God she was negative and at one point I told her that she is very negative and she said, “No, I am positive but when it is bad I have to tell…” She dug into my ankles, into my knees, into my groins, and to my sacrum, to the sciatica… and did cupping even under my feet! Of course me being a vata, I got all bruised now! Well, Kumar told this us during the massage course, you do not dig into Vata people even if they ask for it, if you do, you damage their tissue, bruise them and so as he said I got bruised… And this was not the only thing, actually the most entertaining part was that she was very concerned that I was prematurely aging… She told me that the line between my eyebrows is too early for a 32 year old! And then that thing under my chin! And I was “what thing under my chin???” I always thought I looked younger than my age and the people who know me usually thing so as well… I was confused but at the end I had to tell her “look, we will all age and die… it is okay”. Maybe she worked with too many women who were overly concerned about staying young, I donnu… Ha, then she was confused with my answer and she could say “yes age but in a strong way”. Well the other times she did not verbally abused me, she gossiped about the other clients of whom mostly I knew…

I asked for this massage and I got it; therefore, I cannot blame the lady too much. The whole thing lasted 4 hours! Torture machine lady had to leave at the end because I made her leave. I told her that I had a class which was actually true… Over all, was she helpful? I think actually it was helpful in some ways. After her, that night, I was in pain almost all over but now, two days later, I feel fine. Some of the minor aches I had (before her) here and there is gone and then my knee, which has been much better lately, feels even better now… Will I get another massage from her? Maybe not, and even if I do, not so soon… First, I had to gain the courage to go under such pain again… and then, I cannot afford to pay such money all the time… furthermore, I frankly neither want to be part of the gossip circle nor hear about other people's private lives... Also I want to figure out myself how to get my lymphatic system and circulation work better rather than relying on someone else for it, there should be self-applicable techniques… I do not like to rely on someone all the time to be healthy… especially when I am up right a normal person…

I feel sorry that I am not such a great advertisement for her with writing all this stuff, but I heard that she helped many people to gain their health… and you know she is sweet actually... Still I have to be honest. I think the worst part was her negative talk; you cannot heal someone with all that “the tattoo is good but the leg is bad, what kind of neck is this? All bad” kind of talk… (and I am not a smoker, drinker etc kind of person who needs to be frightened to stop doing all these stuff...) I mean, didn’t we all see in that documentary when you say bad stuff to the water the molecules get all screwed up and then when you say good stuff they all make beautiful patterns, just like that I think, to a certain extend, our bodies behave in that way too... So, to wrap it up, I love my body, I do not think it is in a bad shape, I am not in physical pain majority of the time, I practice every morning and I enjoy and feel strong and I feel young! :p


Anonymous said...

Massages are wonderful and beneficial, when done correctly.
Not sure if I would be able to endure it, if someone kept talking, esp gossiping while giving me a massage. Sounds torturous.
I love the 3 sisters in Mysore. I get massages wherever I am.
And that is actually the type of massage that generally works best for me (besides the 3 Sisters).
As for stimulating the lymphatic system, I find that Rebounding is very good. Especially for someone with knee issues, it is not hard on the joints.
In fact I'm about to get on the Rebounder in a few minutes.
Gets me nicely warmed up before yoga practise.

Feel better,


Ahu said...

yes Judith... it was hard to endure... I had many massages in my life and so I can tell a good massage from a bad one... this was not a massage, something else... the lady seems to be able tell what is wrong in your body but not my type of person or body work perhaps... I like Kumar in Mysore, he is really good. I heard 3 sisters are good as well, I haven't tried them yet but have been contemplating for a castor oil massage they do... maybe next time I am there...
I did not know rebounding is good for lymphatic, interesting...

Unknown said...

hello :),
would try Lymfodren Tea... its intended for thorough cleansing of the lymphatic system, improving primarily the function of the spleen, the main control organ of the body's immunity system.
just a little tip :)....
have a graet week ...


Ahu said...

Thanks for the tip Jeremy... but I am not sure if it is available here in Istanbul... lets see...

Anonymous said...

Ahu, I had a very strange sentence -
I was referring to the type of massage I prefer - I was talking about Shiatsu Massage.
Yes if you are back in Mysore, do try the Sisters. That - even though not Shiatsu is an amazing massage experience.
Like you, I get massages everywhere, Japan. Korea in different places in Europe. In Turkey I once had a "very interesting massage experience".
The other thing I do is generously applying Castor Oil and sitting in the Sauna or Steam room for at least 20 mins. I esp. apply it around the joints.
Perhaps you can try that.



Ahu said...

Judith, the strange massage you got in Turkey, was it at a Turkish?
Yeah I really should do more of castor oil... that is very good for the body...