Friday, May 21, 2010

Note to self

Where does it begin and where does it end… the ego… the inflation, and diminishment… I have been struggling with this for a while. I have a low self esteem syndrome but then there is also another side of me which knows, pretty damn well knows that I am not in anyway unqualified for what I do and whatever I put my mind to do… because I am a professional student so I try to learn my lesson as well as I can and also I am honest, I tell what I do not know, pretty clear… so then what happens… of course with my low self esteem, I stay quite, almost waiting to be discovered and then I see other people with less experience etc. getting out there and marketing themselves really well. When I see this, I began getting frustrated and mostly to myself… I also get frustrated when people are not humble with the practice… But then what do I know really? I mean how can I expect another to see the practice the way I do… It is different for everyone, I always say this. So, I guess it is also different in terms of what we all get out of it… I expect to get more humility, more calmness, and more softness… I do it with an eye of self-investigation… with Richard it became deeper like that… so what if you kiss your toes in paschimottanasana, realize that it is ridiculous… I feel calm and in peace and a bit blue when I listen to Richard or Sharath talking because I feel that everyone of us who are sitting with them are accepted as we are and we are not compared to one another, we are just expected to practice and go deeper… I feel sentimental because I feel a relief, which touches me at the core of my being… Yes, it can also be a jungle in Mysore as well, but then when we are practicing in the shala we get all wiped from our egos somehow, maybe it is the shala, it is the place… and you go by with a sense that it will all come together and it does at the end… On the other hand, here I tend to get lost... I am so reluctant to put myself forward. But the real problem is I also got irritated with the ones who brag and this irritation, of course, harms me more than anyone else, because I seethe inside and I isolate myself. I have to learn to be indifferent to things that really do not matter. What does it really matter if someone things they are golden when they are just like all of us? It does not make me any less… so there is a bit of insecurity in me, so I feel threatened, here goes my own ego… but really this is a bit illusionary, time to really, not just logically, realize this!


Claudia said...

This is SUCH a hot topic... you write about it so beautiful, I can totally relate.

You know? I was listening to Richard's Yoga Matrix, for, like the 6 time a few days ago. Anyway, on the chapter on the Gita, he was explaining how the dilema of Arjuna is one of those "doomed if you do, doomed if you don't"...

I think you have a depth that is rarely found. I know you have what it takes because it simply shows in your humility, in your depth, in your soft questioning, and in your commitment to truth.

Go for it! the world needs teachers like you :-)

I like to think of Marianne on these ones... when the "who am I to..." comes along, better to ask "who am I not to"

Anonymous said...

I guess at this point what you have been studying is not helping you anymore (mostly the physical practice which many real practitioners say that it may be a trap if you are not carefull.. Is it really serving you to go deeper or makes you obsessed with the body or the Asanas, like achiving Bakasana B.. by the way what difference does it make if you can do B.B.? who cares?) whatever you are talking about is always "yourself" .. Sounds self-obsessed.. Yoga is not about becoming someone better or more.. Don't be so arrogant& ignorant and say that you have more rights to teach just because that you have been doing more postures:)) -teaching depens on the level of consicoussness- and with this attitude it is hard to see you as a teacher.. Take this time to connect with your deeper self first..

Ahu said...

Ohh I agree with you in some points. This is a journal, so it is mostly what is in my mind rather that claiming what I say is the right thing, it is usually my struggles that I write about... and I don't think that I am better than anybody and that I have more rights to teach... and yes I said this before, what difference it would be if I can do BB, or finish second series, it will not mean I am a better, happier person... on the way it will hopefully help my understanding of the self. Although I don't think I am arrogant and where did I say I have more rights to teach? I just say I wish I could put myself forward more like other people and maybe the way I said it was wrong... I would agree on that. but really I also admit that when I wrote, it is wrong to see it that way but I said I do and I see that is wrong. At this point, I don't think I make sense to you... anyways... and actually the whole point of this entry was that it does not matter how much or how well you do the asanas, I say that somewhere in the middle...

Chris Conn said...

I just returned from a 10 day vipassana meditation sit and it highlighted for me the weaknesses of the way ashtanga is transmitted. All this "putting yourself forward" and the fact that we all look up to the people who can do the most advanced postures, it's the ego. The vipassana tradition is a clear, concise, rational technique that works. It is taught FOR FREE. Yoga is about conciousness transformation. 99 percent bullshit, 1 percent transformation.

Ahu said...

I clearly say in my entry it does not matter how advanced postures one does... I am obviously looking for stillness more than anything else. putting myself forward is more about doing what I should be doing and being confident to stay strong, I need that until I do not...