I am not going to pretend that all is fine with me. I am a bit depressed for the last couple of days… the marks of that is already in my previous post anyways…
What to do, what to do? Lots of things are churning within me…
But at the same time, I am trying to look at all this and stay calm, take it easy, not panic, try to get inspired from my lovely ashtangi friends and my teachers. Trying to keep in mind that they also probably struggled at some points but kept going and believing that their devotion will bring light.
Therefore, I am trying find lightness within… yes, it is a bit heavy inside…
But then, there are things like my friend trimming the dry ends of my hair yesterday which was very nice… I am growing the hair, resisting the temptation to cut it… but with Goan sunshine and ocean, it got beaten up, so a trim was what needed. My friend also told me to put a bit of oil on it everyday… Moreover, when I was over my friends' place, I got to pet this super cute white dog… she was like a cartoon, puffy, very hairy, snow white, thick ears!
Then, I am reading Zen Mind, Beginners Mind. I read half of it some years ago… I guess, at that time, I was not really getting it or able to stay focused, now I enjoy it very much. Reading this book also seems to be helping with the current state of the mind…
Well, this will also pass… I trust…
Good to hear that you've had Cary as your Mysore teacher too. Occasionally you come across teachers who seem to not only have a wonderful practice, but also have that gift of being able to make some of it accessible to their students too.
Happy Easter
as with all things..this time will pass and things will be much better. Life has a way of changing towards the better just when we least expect it sometimes! I always remember this quote..
"Thoughts become things..so think good ones"!
namaste my friend~
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