I woke up this morning pretty sleepy… But I was not bothered by it because I knew it already, it is the heavy energy of Saturn this week… Got to the shala in the dark and began practicing slowwwlllyyy… But then at one point something happened, something significant and I became full power as Rolf would put it. Yes, I really felt that my energy changed, got lifted up and at the same time, I realized I was feeling pretty good, like no trace of the depressed mood I have been recently… I doonu what happened, what made this difference. But the first thing came to my mind was the pranayama/meditation class of David I attended after my own class... During the day, I also practiced at home the ashtanga pranayama I learned from Rolf and then sat for meditation for a while… so it was double dose of all… maybe that was the key. And I did double dose because In Zen Mind Beginners Mind Suzuki says:
“Actually the best way to relieve your mental suffering is to sit in zazen, even in such a confused state of mind and bad posture. If you have no experience of sitting in this kind of difficult situation you are not a Zen student. No other activity will appease your suffering. In other restless positions you have no power to accept your difficulties, but in the zazen posture which you have acquired by long, hard practice, your mind and body have great power to accept things as they are, whether they are agreeable or disagreeable.
When you feel disagreeable it is better for you to sit. There is no other way to accept your problem and work on it….
When you are sitting in the middle of your problem, which is more real to you: your problem or you yourself? The awareness that you are here, right now is the ultimate fact. This is the point you will realize by zazen practice….”
So, I decided to sit at noon to see what happens. Then at night, when I was sitting with all the other people in class, I kept asking myself what is more real: my so called problems or myself who is sitting here right now? Maybe it worked or my stars shifted in the morning and I became full power with better mood, energetic and joyous :)… and I guess it was pretty noticeable...
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