Yes, I am freaking out!!! A friend told me that someone is trying to patent the names Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga in Turkey! That is B.S. and big time with capitals! Who can think that they have such a right?!!! And I Google searched for this person’s name and it is a GYM in Ankara!!! They don’t even have Yoga classes! Even if they did, it does not matter! How can they do such a thing! I still cannot believe! I am so frustrated, fired up at this point! And you might ask how this friend knew about this… Well that is another thing because he is trying to patent the names Power Yoga and also I think Vinyasa Yoga… and we see how things get distorted in some places… oohh there is some yoga began happening in Turkey finally and happily but, there has to be a but unfortunately, suddenly all these people see the right to own it for themselves and without forgetting to try inhibit it for others! To those out there who do not realize it That is NOT Yogic at all! Moreover, “you might be a true yogi but sorry this is real life” crap does not cut it for me either. First of all, I am not true anything, I do not even imagine to being close to a yogi… and second of all even Pattabhi Jois did not patent Ashtanga Yoga, he says yoga is for everyone,he says "it is universal, not one man's property", so who are they to patent it!... I wish an end to this foolishness!
I even called Yoga Sala, the other school where they also teach Ashtanga Yoga. So, hopefully, we will be able to prevent such thing! The owner of YS will do some research… and he guesses if we object, then they cannot get the patent! Please cross all the fingers for us!
How dreadful...., shame on these people!
Looking at the Turkish registry, theses are trademark applications, not patent applications. The application is unlikely to be granted anyway. Anyone can apply to have something protected, getting a registration is another thing. You could make third party observations on the application and point out that the words suggested are descriptive and therefore should not registrable, although I would hope the registry would raise this objection without prompting!
You can do an on-line search at the registry in Turkey here
I actually wrote a paper on Yoga and intellectual property rights - not very interesting for most, but I might publish it on my blog anyway!
yes, we will raise objection once it comes out... it seems like it is still in the process so we cannot see it... thanx
If you want me to write the observation for you to translate and file, I don't mind doing it, it's my job, and it's more fun when you have an active interest in the subject matter!
I don't have your e mail address, but if you post a comment on my blog I can e mail you back.
chill out. get a life
Yeah, no worries, I got a life. everyone has different concerns, and this is mine... and I share it...
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