Friday, June 04, 2010

Last Goodbye

We went to see Bodhi Ray before they put him in the coffin and wrapped him up. It took me a while to find the funeral house because the address, which was given was the old address, they moved to another place, but I made it. The funeral house was amongst auto repair shops, kind of a weird place to be but I guess here it is like that… When I arrived there were few other sannyasins, Bodhi Ray’s body in white sheets with his mala over, a bouquet of white and red roses, and an Osho photo… Osho songs, the ones which usually played during death celebrations, were playing from someone’s ipod… Some sang softly to the music, swaying their bodies, some were crying, some were just standing… His face was smiling, eyes open… felt peaceful. Tears rolled down from my eyes… It was not necessarily sadness; it was remembering what he has given, shared with me during my first time in Pune when I did his breath group. It was the first intense group I did, so what I saw, realized and experienced during that group stayed with me very alive… I remembered his energy, his insight, and his softness… It was beautiful… I felt that he had a good life, he was comfortable with himself, he was open to people and was able to share so well… After a while, they put him in his coffin, we put his mala, the roses, the Osho photo over and left his face open before they closed it up. It was good to see him, good to say last goodbye. Thank you Bodhi Ray, thank you...


Boodiba said...

Ahhh..... I'm glad you got to say goodbye.

Ahu said...

Yes it was beautiful to see him one last time.
I just listened a short recording of the last interview done with him after he had done Mystic Rose (a beautiful 3 week long meditation course) just two days before the accident and again I am very touched with what he said: "whatever pain, whatever fear, whatever barriers you face, they are nothing compare to what you will discover if you have the courage, the willings to pass through these challenges, to except them and embrace them. It needs 100% effort, willingness, not 99% or anything less, only 100%. This is where most people miss. So go on..." this also shows that he discovered what was there to be discovered for him in this life time... beautiful and encouraging...

Boodiba said...

What happened to him? Sounds like he was a very wise man.

Ahu said...

It was a car accident... he was an Osho therapist, mostly working with the breath...

Boodiba said...

So sad!