Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Nothing is for granted...

Today was my second day back in morning classes and I regretfully realized that in the past nine days that I have not practiced, my strength and flexibility diminished considerably :( Well, what to do? Nothing, just keep practicing. But then this gives me a second chance to revisit the phases I went through, and this time I might have a different journey, maybe more constructive one, since this will be the second stitch. When I mentioned my weakened flexibility and strength to my teacher, she smiled and added “also your balance”, and she said that it will take few weeks to get back to where I was. But then a friend from yoga who is also teaching ashtanga told me not worry because there is time, so many years of practice ahead… which was quite nice to hear. Yes I will practice so many more years, few weeks going back will not make such a big difference at the end…
However, it seems like I will not let my tattoo artist to touch my tattoo when I go to see him in July. He was talking about a possible touch up, changing yellow to light pink. I will insist that yellow is beautiful and nothing shall be changed… I guess he will figure out what is going on since he knows my obsession. He actually at one point grinned cunningly and said “but you know non-attachment, right?” Well, I bowed to that.
See how much I sacrificed for this chrysanthemum, it better last beautifully as long as I live.
One last thing before I finish. This morning before I woke up, I had this dream in which I was granted three wishes. I made the first two, then I had to make one another and I suddenly said that I want to be able to practice yoga forever. I don’t remember my first two wishes but this last one got stuck in my mind.

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