Sunday, June 04, 2006

Got inked!

At last exams are over, and I am relieved… During this stressful time, I missed only one practice, the one before my morning exam. I am quite proud of myself. But then, for a painful celebration, I got a pretty chrysanthemum on my left arm/shoulder, so my poor left side would feel more feminine and embellished, without thinking that it would mean at least a week off from my practice!
By the way, I strongly believe that practicing helped me a lot while I was studying intensely. It would calm my mind down, especially just before exams when I tend to become more frantic. Once, I even mixed the order of the poses that I have been doing 5 times a week, which proves how my mind was preoccupied and out of order!
Therefore, I would recommend all to keep practicing, especially during times of intensity in other areas of your lives.
Now, I take a week of for my new adornment to heal, and so I will use this time as a chance to visit another town, Brighton, for a couple of days.

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