Sunday, April 01, 2007

Happenings in Istanbul

So I have been away from writing for a while and it is time to share a bit… I began teaching and it is getting better. The first two classes, I was nervous… but then I began relaxing with the third and it began getting better. I even have regular students, so I enjoy it… By the way, I use my sanyas name which I have taken while in Osho ashram, it is Maya, well Deva Maya is my full sanyas name…
On the other hand, Eric had his ashtanga foundation course. We (me and some toher teacher’s from Yoga Sala ) all participated and it was fun and I think I became more aware of bandhas. There were also two of Eric’s friends from the US, Josh and Jeane, who came for the workshop. They were very nice people and I think Jeane will come back as a visiting teacher! Right after Eric’s course, David Life and Sharon Gannon came for a workhop at Cihangir Yoga .. It was really great to have them. This was my first time doing Jivamukti Yoga and I enjoyed it; though, I still like ashtanga practice better. What I enjoyed was the freedom to explore asanas that I have not reached yet and the preps that David and Sharon made us do before hand. I also liked their emphasis on the spiritual side of the practice; actually, probably that was the best thing I received from 4 days I spent with them. I guess one tends to forget why we do what we do with our bodies and I was very happy to be reminded of that. This used to be a big part of my practice in the beginning, while I was in London, but I somehow wandered away from it… I think it happened in Mysore (strangely enough!). So, I am grateful to David and Sharon for reminding me why initially I got into yoga so deeply! I have to mention the strangest moment for me during their workhop. Sharon came to me during Virabatrasana A , pulled my hands and told me that I loose the connection between my hands and my heart and that is why I keep saying things over and over but no one hears me, that I do not have my heart in what I say… She said Virabatrasana A helps with this. I wonder if that is the case, I mean with me, not with Virabatrasana A helping with it.
The other thing is I am planning to do a teacher training. It seems like I will do a training with Tias Little . I also considered Donna Farhi ; however, her training was already full. I got into their wait list but then Tias Little’s (my second choice) training had only 2-3 spaces left, so not to miss all my opportunities, I signed up for his training. Now, I got an email from Donna Farhi training, saying that they have an opening! What to do? I guess I will stick with Tias Little. If anyone have any suggestions…
Eric is gone to NY for ten days, so I will also take over two of his ashtanga basic classes while he is away. This is all for now.


Caroline said...

It's nice to 'see' you back, and that you've been enjoying teaching.

Lees Lamar said...

Donna Farhi is very mellow.
Very hatha yoga. My first yoga teacher was a
student of hers. It was a very slow method.
Nothing like ashtanga..I think Tias is a much more
compatible with ashtanga.

Ahu said...

Thanks for your advice Susan. That is actually what is ending up to be, I mean, I will hopefully do Tias Little's training this summer!