Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What about practice?

I forgot to talk about practice while writing about all these other new experiences I am having. I actually had fallen out of love with practice for a while and then it began coming back again. I discovered that the yoga teacher here has begun teaching ashtanga so I started to participate in her morning classes after dynamic meditation. Okay, it was slower and gentler than what we are all used to but it suited well with me at the moment, I was really bored of practicing alone, was craving the group energy. But then she left, so no more yoga classes. However, this helped me to regain the habit of going to Buddha Grove after meditation and do my practice. The weather became warm again, no more frozen toes so it is perfect. Also, I love practicing while they are doing Gurdjief movements because I love the music they play, it is the piano playing this very simple tune, very lovely, reminding me of childhood… Another thing which came along with the yoga teacher quitting is people began coming to me and telling me that I should teach. Actually, just this morning a woman came and asked me what is it that I do in the mornings. Then she told me that it looks beautiful and asked me if I could teach her!

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