Sunday, December 10, 2006

to make things clear

I do not think that there is anything wrong with Mysore. I met lovely local people there, Anu and her husband Ganesh, Tina, Gita and Lokesh! I appreciated their service for us, the great food, tailoring and big hearts and all.. I also met with very nice yoga students with whom I will probably keep in touch. When it comes to me having difficulties. I am aware that those were because of the conditioning's I had with myself, because of my attitudes! I do not blame Mysore or anyone... I do not pity myself, I do not feel sorry for myself. I am who I am but I am trying to change the way I perceive life, how I take it. I am not running away from difficulties. I have been through lots of difficulties in fact "the Anonymous" writer. I did not leave Mysore because of difficulties. Actually in my last week I was beginning to feel pretty much at home and feeling bad that I had to leave. but I left because they close the shala on 18th and I wanted to be with my sister in Pune and I really need to began meditating! I believe that it is time for me to relax! I pushed myself too much in the past, enduring situations which did not work very well for me and now I want to enjoy life, I do not want to take it so seriously. ohh if I do not pass this test of Mysore I am doomed ha! no I have been there, I enjoyed some of it and did not enjoy some of it and I am perfectly allowed to explore different things. I could stay there but I choose to not and I made a good decision. I am not running away from anything... I have already been there for 5 weeks and I am grateful for having that opportunity. so the Anonymous commenter, please do not harass me. this blog is my space where I open my heart but not to be stabbed.


Arantxa said...

is the shala closed from the 18th? When will they open? I'll be there shortly. Thank you.

Ahu said...

they open on the 31st and they will be closing again in MArch for the opening of the new shala in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ahu,

Read my blog back to Nov 30 - Dec 3rd. I got some harsh criticism. Don't let it get you down, remember it's YOUR blog space. They choose to read it on their own accord. Hope you're well.

xoxo - Tiff

PS. Blogger is jacked up and won't let me sign with my sign in...

Ahu said...

yes I know with me as well that Zee person has been giving me lessons about all he/she seems to know so well... i feel like deleting this blog. what is the point of writing if people cannot give me the space to be...

Lees Lamar said...

You have the space to be open here.
That's what that delete button's all about.
That ZEE person is a stalker, hiding behind a false name and a false sense of enlightenment.
Your blog is thoughtful and well written, I love reading.
Who cares you didn't love Mysore! It's nice to have your honest opinion.
Keep it up, and remember, delete button!

Caroline said...

I've been enjoying reading about your experience in Mysore, because you write honestly.

I'm in Mysore myself right now, and I've had my share of dissapointments and wonderful things too.

Hope you enjoy your stay in Pune.