Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Lazy me

I am not lazy with my practice, I am lazy with my writing. I have been reading; I read a book, I read the papers, I read other people’s blogs, I comment on other people blogs but I am not writing my own blog… Well, sister is back from Israel so it will be more fun to hang out in her house, without her super bored cats attacking me to feed them or pet them or release them from the house. Now I can spend more time there and use my beloved imac.
Last week, there was only one led ashtanga class, I was planning to go to Saturday open class too but then I thought it would be just fair to give my body a rest after no rest for almost two weeks. Also, I began realizing that there are things I need to do before I take off to Mysore such as ordering more contact lenses of which I have non left etc… I was actually considering getting laser surgery to get rid of glasses and contact lenses but I am going back to my no way stance, it is just a inner voice which does not approve of it…
Anyways, last Wednesday’s class was good and before class I got to talk to Eric for a while. He is negative of Mysore which is no news by now. He told me that I might need to take joint supplements since my knee had been bothering me a bit and since it is known that they are not so gentle on knees in Mysore… He also said it might be my mind playing games with me before I leave… I don’t know about how they are over there, I just want to go and see for myself. I don’t like to take people’s words for everything especially when there are so many controversial opinions about something… I just feel like I will be all right there and I really need it. And about my mind playing games, well that might be true, I am a bit nervous, keep thinking at what asana they will stop me and all that… but I am being gentle with knees, I know they like to go on their own pace.


Anonymous said...

Do you mind if I ask what is it about laser eye surgery do you not approve of?

I've known plenty of people who've had it, and they rave about how it's the best thing they've done. I haven't heard of anyone who doesn't approve of it, so I'm curious as to why. :)

I heard it's comparatively cheap to get it done in India.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, there's a lot of conflicting info about mysore out there. Keep an open mind and maybe the body opens up too. As for where you get stopped, I don't think it matters. We're there to learn and we have to have faith in the teacher.

With your injury, it's the body's way of warning you. It means be careful and tell your teacher as you would anywhere else about an injury. If too much is too much, I would say. It's your body afterall.

Look after yourself and try not to worry about anything. It's a priviledge to go there and I'm sure we'll take something special home with us from the shala.

(p.s: I've left my email ad under your comment on my blog)


Anonymous said...

when you say there are controversial opinions at mysore, what do you mean? i am thinking of going, but i must admit i have VERY strong reservations about the shala fees. i just don't understand why the price is so high. i mean absolutely NO disrespect for Guruji, but as poor students it is almost impossible to make the financial sacrifice, even though we are wholly dedicated to the practice. would like to hear more about your opinions on this.

Ahu said...

I don't disapprove laser surgery, I just don't have the right feeling about it. Maybe I am simply scared...
regarding controversy about Mysore, I guess some people don't have very good experiences but I then there are those who have great experiences... I think it depends on what kind of expectations one has, I am trying to have an open mind, not expecting much, just a pleasant experience and to study under the guidance of this man who made it possible for us to practice ashtanga.

Anonymous said...

I am with you on the laser eye thing - I know plenty of people who have had it and say it was amazing - even the one person who had a bad experience still came out in the long run with 20/20 vision... however, I am just a bit too squeamish for it :-S I'm thinking of trying to get some continuous wear lenses from my optician - last year in India I was dubious enough about eye hygiene - think no fresh running water, washing in a bucket then putting fingers in eyes.

I am nervous about committing myself to going to Mysore, but at the same time I want to go and see what it's all about - I'll be really happy to hear what you think though!

Its not long till you go - I hope you have a great time!

Anonymous said...

I had laser surgery, and to be honest, it was a scary experience. I resisted doing it until I got to the point where my eyes developed a sensitivity against contact lenses, and I couldn't wear those more than a couple of hours a day. I hated wearing thick glasses and being so dependant on them, so I had the surgery, which was really unpleasant but an absolute success.

Tiff said...

I'm dying to get laser surgery, I've been wearing contacts for like 11 years. I would give anything to be able to see the clock clearly across the room...