Been a long while... I just could not write... I donnu, no particular reason, just this has been the case.
Mysore is nice, still quite, still some rain, but a bit more heat during the day. I did an eight day Yoga Basti with Doctor Kumar, which ended last Wednesday! When I went for my consultation with him, one of the first things I said was "I do not want to do Panchakarma. I am not going to drink gee, or fast... I am here to practice so I do not want to get weak, lgiht headed etc... I just want some recommendations" And he is such a nice man, he said "yes I understand. I will not suggest you to drink ghee, or do any fasting but! I will recommend you to do this other treatment, Yoga Basti" and then he went on explaining it... and it really sounded like the appropriate treatment for me whose Vata is very strong and who has been suffering from chronic digestive problems since teenage years... Therefore, in less than a week I went to see him again and told him I am doing it. Ha! he has a way with people I guess, I was so determined that I was not going to do any treatment, I just wanted some advice and maybe ayurvedic pills that might help me which he actually gave me during my first visit and they began to help already... So, the next day I started my 8 day treatment. Every morning after I practice I flew with my scooter to Saraswathipuram.... The last three days, I was a bit tired of the whole procedure already, enough of all the oil and the milk etc... but I was still so sure this was helping me and that I had to finish this treatment as recommended. All that oil and milk helped my skin, my hair which was so dry, and the basti began clearing my system. Even the mornings when I felt "ohh againnnn...", after the treatment I was so mellow and just okey with everything :)
Apperantly this treatment is one of the Panchakarmas. My friend Kumar, who is in Gokulam doing massage and past life therapy told me so. There are, I think, 8 kinds of Panchakarma, so the ghee drinking is not the only one... Well, after the treatment I went to see Dr. Kumar again and he gave me some pills to increase the digestive fire and gave me some recommendation for my daily eating routine such as eating papaya at night for dinner, he said " papaya is very good for you!" I love Papaya, so perfect recommendation but I wonder what I can switch it with when I am home where there is no papaya; I will ask that next time I see him in couple of weeks... and all other things he said made sense... aa also he was asking me if I began adding some ghee to my food. I told him that I bought the ghee and it is in my fridge but I remembered to use it only once so far since my hand always goes to the olive oil bottle on my counter, ah the habit... His said "then you put the ghee in your olive oil bottle" :) Yes, he thinks ghee is good for me even though I told him that I like olive oil and that is what I grew up eating more....
While doing this treatment, I was not fasting, still the last few days I felt a bit weak, tired, but maybe that was because I was still very active :p The practice has been fine. The mornings I felt tired was difficult in the beginning but I could get it going; after sun salutations my energy would pick up so it was okey. It took me a while to surrender to an 8 day treatment... I always was scared of any kind of treatment because I was afraid they would get me weak, light headed etc... However, the treatment I did was the suitable one for me so it was not difficult, it was not draining and it was helpful for my problem...