Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What is going in Goa...

In Goa, I seem to neglect writing much more than usual… all the distractions such as beach, good food, meeting with friends…

So, where were we? Ohh I am still and yes, still working on Bakasana B. Now I accept the fact that I am stuck and it is all right. With handstands, I am taking a break, although, today Rolf asked me “Maya, are you finished? No handstands? Tired? I am also tired today…” Actually, yes, I was tired this morning more than usual and I am still tired… I donnu if it is waking up so early to began practice at 5AM or if it is that I am not taking care of myself properly... Last night, I went to bed at 8PM; still, this morning I was tired and dizzy… It is also a bit cold at 5AM, so it is taking time to warm up and stay warm. Also, my back is not feeling well, I have some pain, mainly on my left side. I will see the acupuncturist lady on Friday. I think she will be able to help.

Anyhow… I am fine with being stuck at Bakasana B, but that does not mean I am giving up. I will get it at some point. I know it is mostly fear… need to work it through and will… it might take some time, which is okey. It is like backdrops; I was so scared when I first began practicing them couple of years ago that I would go almost all the way down but just before dropping I would come up… but now I do them all right…

What else… The Ayurveda course with Gangotri… It is going very well. She is a very good teacher, a great source of information. We are enjoying it a lot. She just finished talking about Vata yesterday. I guess I am Vata dominant. Lets see what the others are like, then, I think I will have a better idea. She will also talk about life style we should follow. She has already been giving good tips such as need for waking up before sunrise because with the sunrise our manupura chakra begins working, and it starts turning the toxins in our body; therefore, we need to get up before sunrise and clean our body…


Tracy said...

oh, i wish so much that i could make myself get up earlier!! i know how much better it is..but that bed feels Sooooooo good in the morning!
safe travels~

Monxo Lopez said...

My name is Monxo. I live in NYC. Being doing Ashtanga since the summer, 6 days a week, and I am completely hooked. there is no going back. I love your blog...I just discovered it. It is interesting, cause I love Istanbul. My wife and me (we are currently separated) own a lovely flat in Cihangir...and I have been thinking about spending some time over there just to get away from NYC for a while. Keep on writing, I enjoy it a lot.

Thanks. Monxo